Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The End.

So, No Spend Month is finally over!!!!  Wooo hoo!  Overall it was a success, although the last week we did spend some money because school was started and we needed a few supplies.  We spent about $300 less than we usually do.  We lived off of sandwiches and pasta for the last week or two of the month, but we did it!
There is one thing I feel I should warn anyone who wants to embark on this adventure about, however. Make sure you are completely stocked up on your food/emergency preparedness storage before you start.  We had decent food storage, but we were pretty low on toiletries by the time the month was over.  We ended up going out and spending $100 just to replenish our toiletries the first day of the month.

I hope we continue doing this every year.  August was hard because it included our anniversary and the beginning of school, so it will probably be September next year.  September we will have our garden producing in full force and we shouldn't have to spend money for textbooks and the like since that will be taken care of in August.  We'll see if we remember to do it, but I think it was really good for us and taught us a lot about what we can do with what we have.

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