Friday, February 7, 2014

Last Night I was Bad

Getting married young comes with its own set of challenges.  I am not saying that getting married older is any easier, the challenges are just different.  One challenge that tends to occur more often in young marriages (especially young marriages with children) Is the stress that comes from working your tail of to make ends meet WHILE going to school full-time.  That is where we are right now, and it is not easy for any of us!  I am a stay at home mom, and it is taking its toll out on me as well as my sweet husband who is working full-time and taking 19 (yes.  That's right NINETEEN!) credits trying to graduate so we can move on to the next adventure in our life together.

Since he is at work or school from 7am till 6pm (sometimes later) neither of us really get a break.  He gets home, we eat dinner, we clean up dinner, we get the kids to bed, then we go to bed.  Well.  Last night I was bad.  Instead of going to bed when Hubby did I got in the shower.

It started out innocent.  I was just going to have a quick shower before bed (because you know, being a stay at home mom of a a 3 year old and a newborn means sometimes you don't get to shower unless you do it when they are both asleep).  Then I just didn't get out.  I had the longest most glorious pampering session I have probably allowed myself maybe ever.  I did my nails for the first time since my little man arrived.

After my pampering session I STILL didn't go to bed.  Instead I had a bowl of ice cream while I trolled Facebook and Pinterest.  I looked at cloth diapers for sale and tried to figure out how I am going to afford all of those adorable prints that I just HAVE to have!

I was still in bed by midnight because I am afraid of not getting enough sleep when a moody 3 year old needs me to play with her and take care of her alongside her little brother.

It was a much-needed night of selfish indulgence.  You should try it.

In today's world we are all so busy, and we are trying so hard to be super-mom or super-wife (or maybe super-dad or super-hubby) that we forget to take care of ourselves sometimes.  We are busy trying to make sure our toddlers can read before kindergarten, our families have a home-cooked meal every night; with left-overs for Hubby to take to work the next day, keep our house clean while a tornado is going through it, plus we need to be crafty and creative like *all* the other moms out there.

You deserve to take a night and just have YOU time.  Pamper yourself.  Indulge yourself.  I promise it will be worth it and the next day just might not be so hard.

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